Engagement des collaborateurs : quelles tendances en Afrique du Sud ?

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Zoom sur les chiffres clés de l'engagement des collaborateurs en Afrique du Sud, issus d'une étude menée par Trialogue (en anglais).
Research conducted for Trialogue’s CSI handbook is mainly quantitative and carried out through one-on-one interviews with company representatives in the CSR or corporate affairs department in large companies.
In 2016, 82 companies participated in Trialogue’s research, of which 64 companies (or 78%) also participated in the previous year’s research, which allowed for year-over-year comparisons.
22% of the companies represented in the handbook came from the financial services sector, and about 36% of overall companies have a total annual revenue of 10-50 billion Rand.
28% of companies employ between 1,000-5,000 employees, and 70% reported having at least one employee volunteer program, which was a decrease compared to 78% in 2013.
Despite this number, only 52% of companies back up their employee volunteer programs with policies and only 45% track the satisfaction and impact of these programs.
In 2016, South African companies gave 632 million Rand, 2% of which was calculated to come from employee time spent volunteering.
Popular employee volunteer programs include fundraising and donation drives, while the least popular among employees is fixed contribution from salaries.
Nelson Mandela Day, which was started in 2009 and held annually in May to honor and commemorate the former president’s leadership, is a driving factor in planning companies’ employee volunteering initiatives:
Nelson Mandela day aims to inspire South Africans to follow in his footsteps and do what they can to contribute to nation-building.
Corporate volunteer programs have been linked to Nelson Mandela and companies tend to choose a theme for that year that they announce and then link back to it for the rest of the year.
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