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  • Convergences publie « 3Zero : 100 solutions pour le monde de demain »
    ... "3Zéro : 100 Solutions concrètes pour le monde de demain". Education, croissance durable, inégalités, climat, institutions, ...
    Mots clés : Convergences
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  • Réservé aux adhérents
    Les Matinales d'Admical : Mécènes de la jeunese, quels ponts construire ?
    ... spécifiquement orientées en faveur des jeunes. Lire Education Insertion professionnelle Les Matinales d'Admical : Mécènes de la ...
  • Reforming education : what can philanthropy achieve ? (EN)
    ... many Western and emerging countries alike, reforming public education has become a national priority. While governments struggle to ... of migrants, private actors play an increasing role in education reform. Joining traditional non-profit organizations are a growing ... are many levels where philanthropic money is targeted for education, ranging from preschool to university, and very different “theories ... from their citizens to provide universal access to quality education. Thus, even the wealthiest foundations must carefully define their ... impact. Besides, the intrusion of private money in education is still regarded with suspicion by many, especially in Europe. Where ... play a decisive role alongside governments in reforming education systems ? What strategies should philanthropic actors pursue to ... and effective stakeholders in this field ? Ecouter Education Alliance des mécènes pour l'éducation Mécénat collectif Reforming education : what can philanthropy achieve ? (EN) ...
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